Hello all! We’ve only been back a few days, and while I’m loving the hot showers and sleeping in, I find myself wanting to fall asleep looking up at the stars and being rousted from my sleeping bag by the melodious tones of COFFEE being shouted from the beach.
That’s what next year is for, right? Because now that you know, you want more; More rivertime, starry skies, spontaneous windstorms, whitewater, geology, bighorn sheep and wild horses, photography, and more time with our river family.
All of you exceeded my expectations — our guides guided and cared for us incredibly well (shoutout to the kitchen crews!). Our photographers threw down with so much creativity, grace, and outstanding images that I am blown away.
I’m hoping all of our photographers got as much from our conversations as I did. Those will keep echoing through my head as I sit down to edit images and as I pick up a camera for the next project.
2023 will be excellent (especially if any of you come back), and while I have a running list of improvements, this first trip will always be the defining one— against which all the others will be measured.
I have two big asks for you right now, while the trip is still cast in sharp relief, full of specific memories and moments.
ONE: write me a testimonial. Long or short. In whatever voice you like. These are by far the best marketing tool I have to promote next year’s trip.
TWO: share your images with me so I can build next year’s promos. A handful of SNAPSHOTS and 5-10 of your favorite images1.
Also, I ask your permission to use these images & words in my marketing, with proper credit, and never for any other reason than to promote my photo workshops.
You can email me your words, leave them here as a comment, text them, whatever works.
At some point soon, I’m going to do a very casual (free as in beer) Lightroom/Photoshop2 session about organizing, editing, and processing images. Let me know if you’re interested.
If enough of you want to dig deeper, I could host a five hour’ish workshop that goes way more in-depth on techniques (which would be fee-based).
I’ve set up a shared Lightroom catalog3 for all of us to post images — it’s cloud-based and private. Please don’t repost photos w/o the owner’s permission.
FWIW: I renamed my images like this: 20220713_PhotoFloat_Batt_AT_0243 (YYYYMMDD of the image, keyword, last name, original filename). Please use this, or your own scheme, metadata, etc., so we know whose images are whose.
SNAPSHOTS https://adobe.ly/3RY3EJX
LANDSCAPES https://adobe.ly/3b5yPT3
For anyone who wants a second run down Deso, I would love to have you back4. It’s a wonderous place with discoveries to be made each time you go down it. For anyone who couldn’t make it in 2022, you can run the river with us in 2023 — right now, we have a pencil-hold on the same week in July. If you want to guarantee a spot, please reach out to me directly so I can put you on the list with no money down at this time. When we start early-bird promotions in the fall, you’ll get the first crack.
It’s one year till rivertime. I can’t wait.
Watermarked full-sized JPEGs would be great. I can add a watermark for you if needed.
The Lightroom only plan with 1TB of cloud space is a pretty solid deal. https://www.adobe.com/products/photoshop-lightroom/compare-plans.html
Use Lightroom or lightroom.adobe.com (and not Lightroom CC).
With a returning customer discount, of course. We will be in touch.